Juha Jokela

Juha Jokela

Juha Jokela


Juha Jokela (né 1970) is a modern Finnish writer in the best sense of the word. His witty and surprising humour, compelling narratives and nuanced characterizations are tightly bound to the present moment. Whether focusing his sharp vision on the world of business or the spirit, he writes with deep understanding of the personalities involved. Jokela began his career in television. His first play:”A Mobile Horror” (2003), won unprecedented critical acclaim, and can truly be said to be one of the most successful plays in recent Finnish theatrical history. This comedy, set in a mobile phone company, was soon produced by a number of theatre companies. Jokela's Nordic Drama Award-winning play: “The Fundamentalist”(2006) is a more serious two-character play examining religious fanaticism; it, too, has achieved both popular and critical success. Jokela's highly-anticipated play “Performance Economy” (2010) premiered at the Espoo City Theatre into huge success. This satire deals with performance as a basic element of society, politics and business. The first season was sold out already in advance sales. Critics have praised the play for its phenomenal and witty dialogue, humour and criticism of the contemporary society in which narcissism has become the main fuel of all kind of action.