Judith Kampfner
Judith Kampfner
United Kingdom
Judith Kampfner is a New York based Anglo-American producer director and playwright. Born in Singapore, she went to secondary school in London and read History at Cambridge where she acted and directed. She went on to study for an MA in drama in Sydney and then worked as a producer in the radio drama department of the Australian Broadcasting Company.
She has been a freelance broadcaster for the BBC since 1990 from London, then Chicago and now Manhattan.
She has written radio dramas for the BBC about colonial Singapore, an alternative moon landing, a riot in a slaughterhouse and an Internet search for a missing father. As an adaptor, she wrote the radio version of a Broadway play, ‘Warrior Class’ by Kenneth Lin and serialized Said Sayrafiezadeh’s, memoir ‘When Skateboards are Free’. She is also an award winning documentary maker and journalist, She worked on the pilot phase of the Peabody Award winning arts show Studio 360 and has been on staff for New York Public Radio and contributed to National Public Radio across America.