Stephan Lack
Stephan Lack
Born 1981 in Vienna, Austria Stephan burst on to the German Theatre scene when his first play ‘Verschuettet’ premiered in 2006 and went on to wint he young playwright several prestigious awards. Since then his career has gone from strength to strength with his plays being performed throughout Austria and Germany including the premiere of ‘Lichtscheu’ at the Burgtheater Vienna 2008, and ‘Pflicht Oder Wahrheit’ at the Kleines Theater Salzburg 2011.
Stephan was invited to the prestigious Heidelberger Stueckemarkt 2011 and his latest play ‘Verfassung der Straende’ openend the same event in 2012.
During his theatre studies Stephan spent time in the Netherlands which led to several translations and adaptations of Dutch works including Theo van Gogh’s ‘Interview’, which premiered to great acclaim at the Schauspielhaus Vienna and has since been produced in several other countries.